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Blazin' Caravans mini-game
Get all the Mog Stamps from the Moogle Nests to unlock the Blazin' Caravans multi-player mini-game. This game is played with linked Game Boy Advances at any Moogle Nest.

When fighting, be strategic. For example, in multi-player mode, when one player is charging up an attack, stand at the ready nearby. The player who is charging up is susceptible to attacks; the other players need to protect him or her.

To defeat a major enemy such as a Boss, you can easily win without anything in your command list or using a Phoenix Plume . When you are low on health (for example, one heart), press [Y] to go to the menu and heal yourself with Berry. You can then finish off your fight easier with full health .This can be done as many times as desired.

When in a battle or when fighting a Boss, instead of using any of your food items you can use (if available) Cure. Run to where no monsters will attack you then hold [A]. When the circle appears, move it onto yourself. It will heal you completely.

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