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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Special moves
Get the following moves from the indicated level.
Battery Gun: Bad Magic Bayou (press [L] + [B] + [R])
Climb: Cliff Farm (press [Up] on anything climbable)
Dive: Cliff Farm (press [R] in bubbling water)
Drill Bill: Bad Magic Bayou (press [A] + [L])
Fire Gun: Freezing Furnace (hold [L] + [B] and press [R]x3
Flap Flip: Breegul Beach (press [L] + [A])
Fly: Breegul Beach (press [A] (2))
Forward Roll: Cliff Farm (press [B] while moving)
Ice Gun: Spiller's Harbor (hold [L] + [B] and press [R]x2)
Kazooie Gun: Breegul Beach (press [L] + [B])
Pack Whack: Spiral Mountain (press [B])
Rat-a-tat Rap: Bad Magic Bayou (press [A] + [B])
Shock Spring: Spiller's Harbor(press [A] while standing on a green pad)
Talon Trot: Breegul Beach (press [L] + [R])
Wonderwing: Spiller's Harbor(press [A] while standing on a red pad)

Treasure chest mini-game
To easily win the treasure chest mini-game in Breegul Beach, grab the chest and hide in the corner looking at the arena. If someone shoots you, you will spin but willnot lose the chest. If done correctly. you should get the Jiggy.

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