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Parrot insults
Highlight the "Setup" option at the main menu. Press [Down] to highlight a parrot. Press [Enter] to get insulted by the parrot.

Select the "Bonus Material" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Main Menu" option and press [Down] to highlight a red cat. Press [Enter] to get insulted by the parrot.

Select the "Bonus Material" option at the main menu. Select the "Deleted Scenes" option. Press [Down] to highlight the arrow at the bottom of the first deleted scenes screen. Press [Left] to highlight a red cat. Press [Enter] to get insulted by the parrot.

Highlight the "Setup" option at the main menu. Select the "Captions And Subtitles" option, then highlight the "Spanish" option. Press [Right] to highlight a red cat. Press [Enter] to get insulted by the parrot.

Select the "Sneak Peeks" option at the main menu. Advance through the movies until Scream Trilogy appears. Press [Left] to highlight a red cat. Press [Enter] to get insulted by the parrot.
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