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Hidden footage
Select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Press [Right] to highlight the spaceship, then press [Enter].

Select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Advance to the second screen of the special features section. Highlight the "Theatrical Trailer" option, press [Right] to highlight the Pyramid, then press [Enter].

Select the "Cast And Crew" option at the main menu. Press [Right] to highlight the hidden icon, then press [Enter].

Select the "Languages" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Features" option, press [Right] to highlight the hidden icon, then press [Enter].

Select the "Scenes Selections" option at the main menu. Move through the chapters until a hidden Psychlo image is highlighted, then press [Enter].

Enable the commentary in the audio options. At various points, a Psychlo letter will appear. Select it to view hidden footage. Alternately, advance to Title 19 through 32 and play them to view the footage.
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