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Career mode bonuses
Select a wrestler and win the WWF title in career mode to unlock all hidden wrestlers, and unlock other bonuses, such as Ego Mode, Squeaky Mode, Big Heads, Bleep Mode, additional costumes and others. A new feature will be awarded for each PPV victory or title.

European title - Trainer selectable, New Creations Options, Squeaky Mode
Intercontinental title - Extra Attribute Points, Big Head Mode
Heavyweight title - Beep Mode, Ego Mode, Head selectable
In Your House PPV - Sable and Marc Mero selectable
King of the Ring PPV - Kurrgan and Taka Michinoku selectable
Royal Rumble PPV - Jerry Lawler and Paul Bearer selectable
Summer Slam PPV - Sgt. Slaughter and Shawn Michaels selectable
Survivor Series PPV - Jaqueline and Chyna selectable

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