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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Successfully complete the following levels in mission mode to unlock the corresponding bonus:

3 - Advanced - GLG40MM Pipe Bomb Launcher weapon
3 - Intermediate - Bonus level
4 - Advanced - Icon Bomb weapon
5 - Advanced - Proofer playable character
5 - Intermediate - Scarpin playable character
7 - Advanced - Bonus level
8 - Advanced - DICW weapon
8 - Novice - Commander playable character
9 - Advanced - Bonus level
10 - Advanced - Enemy B.A.T. weapon and D.K. playable character
11 - Advanced - PSG-1 weapon
11 - Intermediate - Siba playable character
12 - Advanced - Bonus level
12 - Intermediate - Ump Machine Gun weapon
13 - Advanced - SPAS12 weapon
14 - Advanced - Bonus level
14 - Novice - Shinobi playable character
15 - Advanced - Guided Missile 2 weapon and Salamander and Dr. K playable character
15 - Novice - Bonus level

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