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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Big Spender (5,000 XP) - Spent at least $100,000 for a bridge.
Bye Bye! (3,000 XP) - One vehicle reached the opposite side of the bridge, the other fell.
Car insignia 'Tutoria' (2,000 XP) - Cars can drive on all of Island 1's bridges.
Collection complete! (8,000 XP) - Achieved all badges for all bridges.
Damned Close! (4,000 XP) - Built a truck bridge which withstands over 95% strain without breaking.
Foreman (2,000 XP) - Achieved 25 badges.
Monumental structure (5,000 XP) - Built a bridge with at least 100 construction elements.
Safe Flight! (2,000 XP) - Ran a simulation without a single element being built.
Show Off (5,000 XP) - At least one bridge posted on Facebook.
Storm Warning (3,000 XP) - A vehicle flew at least 5 grid units into the air.
Stubborn (3,000 XP) - 25 failed simulations in a row for the same bridge.
Throw-away Bridge (3,000 XP) - Bridge completed although at least 1 part broke.
Truck insignia 'Tutoria' (4,000 XP) - Trucks can drive on all of Island 1's bridges.
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