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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
1,000 Meter Stare (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Terence.
All-star Overtaker (500 XP) - Won 500 Vs Races.
At Attention (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Corporal Pig.
Bankable Star (1,000 XP) - Collected 100,000 coins.
Breaking and Entering (500 XP) - Broke 500 Obstacles.
Bringing Home the Bacon (1,000 XP) - Unlocked King Pig.
Bubbly Personality (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Bubbles.
Bumpy Modder (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Royal Blue.
Bumpy Tuner (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Green Machine.
Bumpy Tweaker (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Beach Buggy.
Century Egg (500 XP) - Won 100 Vs Races.
Challenge Guru (1,500 XP) - Completed 180 Sets of Challenges.
Challenge Hero (1,000 XP) - Completed 90 Sets of Challenges.
Challenge Hunter (500 XP) - Completed 30 Sets of Challenges.
Challenge Master (3,000 XP) - Completed 720 Sets of Challenges.
Challenge Superstar (2,000 XP) - Completed 360 Sets of Challenges.
Coin Collector (500 XP) - Collected 10,000 coins.
Coin Crazy (500 XP) - Collected 50,000 coins.
Collection Starter (500 XP) - Unlocked 1 Hasbro Kart.
Coming Back at Ya (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Hal.
Constellation Collector (500 XP) - Got 25 Three Star Score Ratings.
Double Fun (500 XP) - Unlocked 2 Hasbro Karts.
Downhill Master (1,000 XP) - Won 500 Races.
Drift Master (500 XP) - Drifted 10,000 meters.
Extreme Modder (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Matchstick Mobile.
Extreme Tuner (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Rocket Racer.
Extreme Tweaker (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Soda-Supreme.
Flight Modder (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Ham Glider.
Flight Tuner (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Barrel Roller.
Flight Tweaker (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Sardine Sailor.
Flying High (500 XP) - Flown 10,000 meters.
Fruit Samurai (500 XP) - Splatted 10,000 Fruit.
Galaxy Smasher (1,500 XP) - Got 250 Three Star Score Ratings.
Garage Builder (500 XP) - Unlocked 4 Hasbro Karts.
Garage Owner (500 XP) - Unlocked 5 Hasbro Karts.
Gold Master (1,000 XP) - Collected 250,000 coins.
Hall of Fame (500 XP) - Won 1,000 Vs Races.
Hero Collector (500 XP) - Unlocked 9 Hasbro Karts.
Jenga Master (500 XP) - Played the Jenga Game 100 times.
Kart Collector (500 XP) - Unlocked 7 Hasbro Karts.
Kart Mogul (500 XP) - Unlocked 6 Hasbro Karts.
Little Star (500 XP) - Got 10 Three Star Score Ratings.
Master Collector (500 XP) - Unlocked 11 Hasbro Karts.
Milky Way (1,000 XP) - Got 100 Three Star Score Ratings.
My New Career (500 XP) - Won 10 Races.
New Paint Job (500 XP) - Grinded 10,000 meters.
Nose Tickler (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Foreman Pig.
One on One Victor (500 XP) - Won 50 Vs Races.
Pink Big (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Stella.
Power Hungry (500 XP) - Use 100 Power-Ups.
Power Mad (1,000 XP) - Use 300 Power-Ups.
Power Master (1,500 XP) - Use 500 Power-Ups.
Road to Victory (500 XP) - Won 50 Races.
Season Leader (1,000 XP) - Won 100 Races.
Speed Tuner (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Spoon Mobile.
Speed Tweaker (500 XP) - Fully upgraded the Semi-Skimmer.
Supernova (1,000 XP) - Got 50 Three Star Score Ratings.
Superstar Collector (500 XP) - Unlocked 10 Hasbro Karts.
Sweet Trio (500 XP) - Unlocked 3 Hasbro Karts.
Three's Company (1,000 XP) - Unlocked The Blues.
Tick Like a Bomb (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Bomb.
Time Flies (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Chuck.
True Collector (500 XP) - Unlocked 8 Hasbro Karts.
Ultimate Collector (500 XP) - Unlocked 12 Hasbro Karts.
Ultimate Fan (500 XP) - Login 30 Days in a row.
Ultimate Overtaker (500 XP) - Slipstreamed 10,000 meters.
Ultimate Racer (1,500 XP) - Won 1,000 Races.
Walking on Egg Shells (1,000 XP) - Unlocked Matilda.
Worth Your Weight in Gold (1,000 XP) - Collected 500,000 coins.
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